Clean air is vital to having good health and quality of life. With temperatures falling and snow around the corner, many of us in Bethel Park will be spending longer hours indoors. However, spending longer hours in our insulated homes tends to cause build ups of common air pollutants and allergens which can negatively impact indoor air quality.

Not to fear! Following are some methods to keep indoor air clean and rid common indoor pollutants this winter:

Vacuum carpets 1-2 times per week

  • Carpets trap large amounts of dust and particulates which can upset allergies during the winter. By vacuuming weekly, these allergens are mitigated and less dust is stirred into the indoor air.


Replace filters on central heating systems and air purifiers

  • Filters tend to build up with dust and particulates during the year. By cleaning and replacing these filters, you can ensure that your air will be better filtered and cleaner within your home.

Open windows occasionally to allow fresh air into your home

  • Often pollutants become concentrated in homes during the winter due to lack of ventilation. By allowing fresh air in on warm winter days, the pollutants will be ventilated out.

Light candles and wood fires in ventilated (and safe!)

  • Combustion from candle wicks and wooden logs increases the concentration of VOCs (volatile organic carbons) within your home. Although these VOCs can emit wonderful smells and aromas, an excess of them can be harmful for your health. To mitigate this risk, always light these in ventilated areas.

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