LifeSpan is a non-profit agency providing support and services for residents of Allegheny County, ages 60 and over. They operate out of the Bethel Park Community Center Monday – Friday  9:00am – 3:00pm.

Services offered include:

  • Daily lunch service @ 11:30 each day.  Lunch is a suggested donation of $1.50 and reservations must be made at least the day before by 11:00am.  Call 412-831-7111
  • Speakers & Presentations, Bingo, Health Screenings, Card groups, trips, Cooking classes, Craft classes, special food events, AARP Driver Safety programs and much more.

For more information – 412-831-7111


The Gold Card Club is a social and fellowship organization for Bethel Park residents who are 60 years of age and over, or a resident 50 years or older, on disability retirement. Monthly club meetings are held at the Bethel Park Community Center the second Thursday of every month (except July & August). Sign-in begins at 12:30 with a 1:00pm meeting start.  Annual member dues are $6.oo per person.

Club meetings include a business meeting, entertainment, light refreshments and several games of bingo. Club members receive a monthly newsletter and can also take advantage of other programs such as bus trips, a bowling league that are listed in the newsletter. For additional information, contact Cindy Carfagno at 412-831-1913 or [email protected] or [email protected] .


Silver Sneakers is the nation’s leading fitness program designed exclusively for older adults and is a benefit offered to members of many Medicare plans across the US. If you are part of a Medicare health plan or are a group retiree, you may already have the Silver Sneakers benefit. There is no cost for eligible adults to become members and participate.  If you are interested in the program, Community Center staff can check your eligibility in a brief visit to the center.

Benefits for members include access to the indoor walking track at the Community Center during all center hours. Members may also take classes designed for older adults led by credentialed instructors specially trained for these programs. Classes are designed to increase muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, range of movement and coordination. Many are chair-based, while other classes are more advanced and do not utilize chairs.

For more information, click to see the classes scheduled in grey on our RecDesk calendar, or call 412-851-2910